Bunnies in School

Good morning, sweet people!

Have you ever wondered what kind of classes bunnies would be taking if they were in school? I have! I think there would be a basket-weaving class, where bunnies learn how to make pretty baskets for Easter 🙂 Also maybe bunnies would take gardening classes to properly plant their veggies and flowers star

There also could be art classes where bunnies dip their paws in some colours and paint on a canvas like that =) I’d be into those classes for sure! Of course, no school is complete without a math class. 1 carrot + 2 spinach leaves + 3 celery sticks = Daisy’s veggie salad! 🙂 Speaking of food, time for a snack!

*stuffs her face in the food dish, munching away*

Possibilities for bunny school are endless… photography for bunnies, history of the bunnies origins, cute costume making and bunny band… oh, yes =) I think that if there was such thing as a school for bunnies, it would be tons of fun and excitement!

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I ♥ Carrots

I have a new outfit! How cute, right? Well, to double the cuteness factor–> it says “I ♥ Carrots” on it 🙂 Mommy made me that shirt with writing on it. At first, I wasn’t a big fan of it, but then I adjusted. What can I say, I do love carrots Hmmm… I wonder if mommy will make me outfits for all my favourite veggies and fruits? I can already see them coming.. “I ♥ cilantro” or “I ♥ parsley” or what about “I ♥ veggies, and lots of them, please :)” Hehe, I can’t wait to see my other outfits =)

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Happy People

Happy Monday, guys and gals!

Today is very sunny and exciting day 😀 I get to meet auntie Michelle. Mommy says she’s the best, must be like carrots are the best among other veggies. Mom says that her personality, charisma and intelligence just light up the room when she walks in. Kinda like sunshine! I like sunshine =)

Well, after meeting auntie Michelle, all I can say is WOW 😀 She totally rocked my socks off! Ok, actually I don’t have socks, but that’s the phrase to say, right? =) She danced with me to some funny music, it was much fun. I can see why mommy thinks she’s so special. She really is.

Good night, peeps

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My second drawing

Hi guys!

I love to hop, play, and go on mini-adventures, but I also love to.. eat! So I decided to draw some of my favourite foods for my newest piece of art 🙂 Here it is:

A drawing of my favourite foods, carrots and apples.

Mmm, don’t they look yummy? They’re my absolute favourite! Carrots and apples, crunchy and delicious 😀

Carrots are tasty, and have green tops that I love to munch on =) I can do a magic trick with apples, put some pieces of them in front of me, and I can make them disappear 😀 Just like that –> Apple Magic!

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I got a plan

Good morning, peeps!

I have a SECRET!

*looks around, making sure parents aren’t nearby*

I’ve been trying to escape from my cage. Plan? Of course I have a plan! I’ve developed a strategy even –> scratching and digging the corners of the cage. I think it’ll be a success. Yes, yes, you’ll see, One Day my plan will actually work and there will be FREEDOM to hop around the living room and to chew stuff! Not that I don’t like my cage, don’t get me wrong, it’s very cozy and spacious. I just LOVE to explore the mysterious worlds out there, you know, the dinning room, the living room, hallways… Maybe chew on something or better yet many things 😀

*sniffs around and finds cardboard box. starts the chewing frenzy*

I like chewing things, especially carrots.  Last night mommy’s friend Kate came to visit. She brought me a whole carrot! It even had a pretty pink ribbon on it. So bunny-girly, I loved it!I like Kate, she’s so kind =)

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